Friday, November 6, 2015

Go Golfing

Just exactly what are you supposed to do when it turns 70 degrees in November?
You take advantage of the sunny beautiful day and call the Dupplers for some free golf at the Country Club.

It was also a good time for me to try out my birthday presents from the Flory crew.
Bryan and Mary gave me beautiful shining chrome golf balls.  "Her favorite color is chrome".
I tried using the yellow one, but they were super hard to find in all the yellow leaves. I had to put them away for next summer.

Mike brings home golf balls everyday from work. We have a storage bin in the garage full. Most of them are pretty good used balls. Lets just say golf balls will not be on our Christmas or birthday lists any time soon.
I took a dozen of the not so good ones  (Lets be honest he works at a Country Club - most of the balls are high caliber) and put them in a egg carton for Roger and Luke to decorate for me.

Bryan told me that they worked very hard to get it just right.
Being the great Grandma that I am, I picked 2 of my favorite, one from each of the boys to play with.

Roger's was colored in red with a piece of tape around it. He knew that red was my favorite color.
Roger's handy work
Luke's, of course, had to have stickers. Not just any stickers either - Spiderman Stickers!
All 6 of Luke's were taped together - in case I lost them.

Luke's sticker ball
I knew they weren't going to go very far, but it was fun playing with them.

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