Friday, May 26, 2017

3 for 1

I get a whole bunch of emails from quilter websites. Including one of Bryan's new clients - which surprised us both.  Craftsy!!!
I tried a couple mystery quilts and enjoyed making them.

The quilt "block of the month" ones have me thinking that a full year seems too long to finish a quilt and I would probably give up on it.
Then I got one for a "block of the week" website. Sounded promising and it was free. So I joined the group.
Of course they want you to buy their material, but I still find the hunt for the perfect colors and material is one of the best parts of quilting.

The pattern they had was for a teal and purple. Yeah, sorry not for me -  so, no.

Here was my perfect time to try 3 different things I have always wanted to do in quilting - All in one quilt..

A scrappy quilt. Lord knows I have enough scraps.
And this has been hanging in my quilting room for a few years now. Time to take it's advise.

A red quilt (I have a lot of red scraps, but no red quilt. Funny that's my favorite color too).

A contrast quilt. I really love to mix colors, and there is something about just two colors for a quilt that scared me.

Not any more readers.

I got my last block 3 weeks ago and I finally finished it.
I am really happy with this one.

I wanted it a little bigger that what they called for so I added 2 borders.
Now I just need to get this thing quilted.

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