Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Quilt Guild

I have been thinking about joining a quilt group for some time now.
I belong to a few online, but I'm thinking going someplace and interacting with more quilters could be fun.

When Sharen and I were with Linda at her outdoor pool (This September heat wave is brutal) I got my invite.
A lady shows up to get in some water exercise and she looked very familiar to both me and Sharen. Sharen asked her her name and when she told us Beth Reuter we both knew exactly how we knew her. She was married to our brother in law Bill's brother. She also worked with me at the CN as a motor route driver.
We got to talking and turns out she is a die hard quilter.
She tells us all about her quilt adventures and suggest we come to one of her Guild's meetings. Now was my chance.
Turns out it yesterday on our birthday.
So after having the most delicious cake for breakfast. Thanks, Steve.  Yes, me who rarely eats cake had this one for breakfast - it is that good.
Happy 65th Birthday to us
 Seriously, I cannot take a selfie I like to save my soul, but this one we got in one take. Maybe because we were "sharing a moment" along with the cake.
I couldn't let her eat alone

She could eat cake every meal
The meeting was at a church in St. Charles - not too far.
I was pretty sure it wasn't for me as soon as we got there, but we paid our $10 and stuck around hoping it was different than it seemed.
Nope. Don't get me wrong most everybody (135 women) were friendly and 1 lady showed us around to all the tables of things going on and introduced us to people, but I did not feel comfortable at all. Sharen wasn't going to join - she was just there with me to check it out. She felt the same way I did.
We stayed for the "show and tell" portion, because we wanted to see Beth's quilt, but left after "treats", seriously more cake?
I'll  keep looking for something to join, maybe a smaller group.

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