Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Christmas 2022

 Like always Christmas at our house was Christmas Eve.

I spent the day watching old Kolberg Christmas movies. I knew my Mom was a great cook. I realized watching these movies she always put on a giant spread of FOOD. She was always flitting around make sure everyone got something to eat. Confirmation that She was amazing.

Everyone showed up around 3;30 and dinner was served at 4. I made 2 regular and one spinach. Both gluten free. Mostacolli with meatballs also gluten free and Mac n cheese, which Mike doesn’t eat, so not gluten free. I think mom would of been proud. Table extended into the family room, so we could all sit together..

Food was consumed, tables were taken down, chairs were moved into the living room - time for presents.

Roger, Luke and Owen each bought me a present from the Santa secret shop at their school. For the second year in a row Roger got me something that said I ❤️Grandma on it. This year was a nail file which went directly into my purse. Luke bought me a imitation flower (tulip), because it matched the flowers in my yard. Owen tells me he found me “the perfect gift”  - it was a small knit stocking full of hard candy - because “old people like hard candies”. I truly love the thoughtfulness.

We had 3 winners in the lottery tickets. Kaylyn won $50, Luke won $20 and Todd won $10. 💸💸

When they all left my heart was full. Hugs and laughs and smiles and thank You will do that for me.

Grandkids picture

I did manage to leave the tree up for 2 more days then it had to come down. My Christmas was over and I had some puzzles to fix.

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