Friday, May 21, 2010

Work Hard - Play Hard

We had a little bit of both these last 2 days.
I offered our help to Mary to get the "big" things moved into her new apartment. Wednesday was a picture perfect day to get it done.
After 4 trips from her old second floor apt. to her new third floor apartment I was wondering why I didn't keep my mouth shut. I stopped counting the times we walked up and down the stairs but, That is a lot of steps people.
Mary had most of her stuff moved all we did was move the "large only fits in a SUV" stuff - bed, dressers, end table, kitchen table & chair, desk, shelving, couch, recliner, and TV.
New Apartment:
Unpacking to do:

On Thursday I got the chance to try out my Mother's Day presents. New Golf shoes & new golf glove, from Mike, and new golf balls, from Bryan and Mary.

Mike and I golfed in the 1st Annual Moose Golf Outing
My foursome:
I had 5 birdies and 3 boogies, 2 much beer, AND a great time, all with a little help from my friends.

1 comment:

Mich said...

way to sneak that "2 much beer" in there - very clever!

Bet you were glad to get out on the course! Finally winter is gone!!