Sunday, September 26, 2010

Turing the Page to chapter 58

It seems like just last year we were having a birthday.

As Sharen and I were walking around Joanne's a couple of week ago. I went for material for a baby quilt for Linda - she was looking for yarn for a project, we wandered into the novelty fabric department.

She mentioned that she wanted a apron like I had made Mary and Carrie. I told her my purse was closed for the month and NO buying any material.

She had the best idea for our birthday. SHE would buy the material and I would make aprons for the both of us.


I brought the material home and showed it to Mike and asked him to guess who's was who's. He snickered and walked away.
COME ON - aren't you going to even guess?
Then he started to laugh, hard.

I mentioned it to Bryan and Mary and wanted them to guess, too. Without showing him the fabric Bryan said: Yours is either red or has hearts on it.
Huh? Really? Am I that predictable?

Which one belongs to who? Here are the aprons!

And I guess it is pretty obvious. Here we are with them on!

Happy Birthday, Sister...

1 comment:

Mich said...

I hope that you and your sis had fabulous birthdays. Your aprons are great - love them!