Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I planted a lilac bush right outside my sewing room window.
It took a couple of year for it to get it's root firmly established before it decide to bloom, but this year it blossomed. HUGE!!

Today is the perfect day to open the window (after washing them) and let the breeze blow through. Seriously I love my house in this weather. I have been wandering around putzing and cleaning and every time I walk by my sewing room, I smell the lilacs.

SO I decided to bring that smell into the house.
Lilacs in Grandma's Vase.

This vase holds memories of visiting Grandma and Grandpa Budney at the farm in Antigo. They had lilacs growing along the road. We would pick them and put them in this vase. Grandma would be watching us from the porch and scold us if we got to close to the road.

These pics were taken in 1955.
Pictures of us at the farm. Me and Sharen helping Grandpa with Betsy their cow. He even had the patience to let us help with the milking.

Posing for a picture with Mom and Dad. Don't ask which is which I really have no idea. That's probably me showing the underwear.

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