Monday, October 24, 2011

2 Pictures

We had a busy week last week. I took NO pictures, but I did manage to sneak a few in.

During the week.
Steve was visiting from New York. I got to make some dinners, we ate out, and the house was filled with show tunes. Steve is a singer and is singing all the time - I love to hear him sing. How he stays in tune is a mystery though, because Steve is deaf in one ear - which means TV turned REALLY loud. I must admit though I like the TV turned way low.
Watching TV with Steve can be very entertaining. See he works at a rehearsal studio and meets celebrities. He refers to people by their real names. For Instances, on Grey's Anatomy we know her as Callie Torrez - Steve calls her Sara Ramirez. He's friends with her on facebook.Huh? He has lunch with Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) who is rehearsing his one man show at Steve's studio. So many tales to tell and I love to hear them all.

Saturday was Logan's championship football game. I purposely did not take my camera. I seriously have plenty of pictures of him playing football. I just wanted to sit in the stands and watch.
I only wished I had it one time - after the game and the boys all had their medals, they lined up along the field in front of us, took off their helmet and raised them in the air and shouted "Thank You". I had a HUGE lump in my throat. It was so touching.

After the game Mike and I headed down to St. Louis for a shower for Roger. Mary's college roommates threw her a "Meet Roger" shower on Sunday. I really wanted to take pictures, but this time I left the camera in the car with Mike and he was off watching the Bears at some bar around the corner.
I did have one that Bryan took.
Meet Mr Bear. I just couldn't resists buying him. He matched the bear quilt I made. We got some funny looks with him traveling in our back seat.

I really wanted to get a picture of Steve and Mike. They don't get to see each that often. I didn't, but I do have one of them from Oct. 91'

Sorry Steve! At least it's not on facebook.

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