Friday, July 19, 2013

Back in Time


I belong to LA Fitness and Sharen and I take water fit classes every Monday and Wednesday night.
Linda on the other hand gets up early and takes a water fit class at the Center downtown at 8:00am.
We talk all the time about joining each others classes.

I wasn't too big of a fan about getting up early to go to the center. Hell, I can take water fit classes at LA at 9:00 am and only have gone to 2.
When Linda called and told me her class is meeting at Lords Park Pool, I changed my mind.

I was all over it!

See, Sharen and I grew up at that pool. We, along with our neighbor, Barb, would spend every summer day at  THAT pool.
We had pool passes that Mom sewed on our suits (couldn't loose them). We would walk to the pool every afternoon. The pool opened at noon and we were there. We mostly wore our swimsuits down to the pool. It saved us on locker fees. Everyone had to wear swim caps. We all had the fancy puffy swim caps with the flowers. Yes, it was the 60's after all.

I cannot put into words the fun we had there. We behaved and did nothing to interfere with our swim days They made everyone get out of the pool for 10 minutes every hour. We knew that at the 4th rest period it was time to head home. We never stayed longer - we knew that if we did that we wouldn't be allowed to go the next day.

I was very excited to get to the pool this morning. I guess it's been about 45 years since I have been there. Yikes!
Not surprised it has changed.
First I almost walked into the men's locker room. I was certain the ladies room was to the right.

The pool now has a play area for the wee ones with a walk out and small slides and water spouts.
 The diving boards are now big slides. I remember one time when Barb's brother Jim got into trouble for jumping on Barb off the big dive and had to sit for awhile.
 This section wasn't there way back then. the pump house was at this corner.
 As you can tell it was a beautiful summer morning. The sky is bright blue, the water was the perfect temperature, the sun was in your eyes. I had a great time with Linda and her class. Though I did get called out several time by the teacher for not following directions.
I think I will go again - If they will have me.

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