Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Roger's BOX

Roger has been obsessed with outlets and everything that goes into them ever since he could crawl.

So I suggested to Mike that he make Roger a box for his birthday with outlets on it, so he has someplace safe to plug things into.
I had no idea that he would make him "A BOX"
Mike hard at work! Enjoying every minute of it.
 We took apart our old computer and Jon donated his old laptop for more different places for things to plug into. He hinged the top so Roger could store all his cords. Added some wheels to the bottom  for easier mobility. Then I painted it!
Mike was a little concerned that maybe he went a little over board, but I was certain Roger was going to love it!
Guess who was right - I WAS....

He loved his BOX. It was also a great way to get rid of all the old cords we had around the house.

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