Friday, September 11, 2020

Tickets Never Used

 Today is one of those days that everybody old enough will remember where they were when IT happened.

I was working at the paper where there is a TV on in the news room 24/7. An announcement came over the intercom about the first plane hitting the tower. A lot of speculation it was an accident - until we all stood around the newsroom TV and watched the second plane heading for the second tower.

Why is this happening and how do you cover the news on something so enormous?

I headed on down to my desk in Advertising - I didn't want to get in the way upstairs. Reporters had their hands full.

My first thought was to call Bryan. I'm pretty sure he would still be asleep or not know so I wanted to warn him not to get on any public transportation. He was living in Chicago then and who knows if they were targeting other large cities too.   

Then I called Mike - He had already seen the news. "I guess your Birthday Present is no good?" Yes, Today is Mike's birthday. 9/11!

I had gotten him (notice I said gotten and not purchased - they were given to me) tickets to the Cubs game on that Sept. day.

Him and 3 buddies were going to make a day of it. 

Well that didn't happen. Mike and I spent the evening probably like most people glued to the TV and trying hard to figure out what is happening.

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