Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I left work early with a last minute great present in mind. Headed up to the mall, ordered the present and paid WAY too much. (Avoid Things Remembered). I was pissed that they overcharged me and on the way home had to stop for gas. Decided to run into Meijer to get a few things for cookies and booze. Now I have to pee and Meijer bathrooms are way too small and there was a line (at a grocery store- come on) and I forgot my list.
Okay - I'me telling you all this so you can see how pre-occupied I was.
My niece, Michelle, was worried about a lone pair of earrings she accidently lifted from the Target - Well I tried to walk outa there with $85.58 worth of sweets and booze. I scanned all the items and they got hung up so I preceeded to go bag them. That is usually Mike's job.
Yeah - I forgot to go back and scan my card to pay for the damn stuff. Why couldn't the store be busy so someone was behind me and could keep an eye on me. NOOO - Some dark skinned skinny guy with an accent (you know who they are) flagged me down screaming OOOH -We need money..
I tried to tell him that I was old and can't remember. He didn't buy it either.

1 comment:

Mich said...

Oh, I love it! It happens to the best of us!