Saturday, December 29, 2007

Now you see it!

Stacy's graduation present from Mike and me was lasik surgery. Yesterday in the middle of the snow storm I took Stacy to Schaumburg to get it done. This place has the best coffee machine in the waiting area. It's one of those individual servings where you can pick your own flavor. I was prepared with 2 books (1 had only 53 pages to go) and counting on sampling at least 2 or 3 of the flavors. Well, I had just gotten my second cup of coffee and out walks Stacy. Huh! It took only 20 minutes for the surgery and recovery. She came back to our house for some down time. After 5 hours, 1 pain pill and a couple of steroid drops, she was declared glasses free. The first thing she read was her Teaching Certificate that had come in her mail that day. Good Timing! She told us the thing she looked forward to the most was rough housing with her kids and not having to worry about her glasses.

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