Friday, March 28, 2008


I try to be a good sister. Sooo while Sharen and Dup are at the Atlantis in the Bahamas soaking up the sun and golfing the beautiful course down there I offer to feed her cat.
Cats are NOT my choice of pets even though we had one growing up (Sambo) I've been stopping every morning on my way to work to make sure Rusty has food and water. Rusty is 18 years old and not to happy to be left alone.

I get met by the door each morning with this look and a chorus of meows.
Friday morning - my day off - I decide to stay with the damn cat and play nice. I tell him how I bowled last night and talked about the snow outside. Didn't care all he wanted is this.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

OLD Homestead

Thanks to Cheryl and Craig for the great Bunny Day. I know how much work goes into having family over for a holiday and Cheryl you did a great job.
After eating WAY too much. Mike, Cheryl and I took a walk by the old homestead. The place is falling apart. Cheryl peeked into the front window and saw that it was empty so we venture around to the back. Mike was anxious to see the decks. The back yard was a mess. Now I'm kicking myself for not taking more of my flowers with me. I had an old ladder that had my clematis growing up. It was just loose and lying there, Cheryl wanted to carry it home. I had to talk her out of it. That would of been funny though watching her trying to lug this heavy wooden thing back! I guess it was really time for us to move on.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

"The Rock"

I don't watch college basketball. I don't care who is winning or losing and I don't fill out any brackets.
That being said I found a movie on TV last night with "The Rock" in it. Gridiron something. But it reminded me of our train ride to Albuquerque.
We were traveling through the mountains going very slow so we wouldn't rock back and forth and hit the rocks on both sides.
I yelled out "Did you see that?" Andy goes "No, what was it?"
I said "I think it was Dwayne Johnson." Andy says "Really". I go "Yeah, I got a picture too."

We both had a good laugh. He said something about now he knows where Bryan gets his sense of humor.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Nosy Neighbor

So I got this invitation in my mailbox for a Mary Kay Demo at my neighbor across the street. I love that house from the outside and was dying to see the inside. She drives a Mercedes, he drive a Nissan, and they have a vintage vet they tool around in on the weekends so I had an idea what it was like.
I called and told her I would be there and was bringing my sister from down the street. I got to meet the rest of the ladies on my end of Shady. Pat, who's house it was - Mac -Bernie -Shirley - and Margaret.It was us old ladies (Sharen and I were the youngest) trying on makeup and lotions. Fun time! I also got to see this mammoth house. 4 levels. Way too big for me! I'm like where's all your stuff! She complained that she hated cleaning it. Sharen suggested a cleaning lady and she told us that they wouldn't get it clean enough, so you can imagine how it looked. Well, Sharen admired her table runner and told her it would match her drapes in her house. Yup! Pat shows up at my house the next day with the table runner and tells me to give it to Sharen. I'm like you CANNOT come into my house. I have stuff!!!! I opened the door a crack literally. I probably should pickup before she comes back with my Mary Kay stuff.

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Ides of March

Who would a thought a country girl like me would enjoy a oldies rock and roll concert. WOW! Mike and I went down the the Hemmens and saw the Ides of March. These guys have been singing together for 44 years. We had 1st row seats (compliments of the Courier News), but I think I would of enjoyed these guys from the balcony. Jim Peterik the head singer had spent some time with the 80's group Survivor, so it was like two concerts in one. He was wearing parachute pants.... His guitar (he changed guitars 6 times) medley was to "Eye of the Tiger" and he ventured out into the audience. The other seats from the CN were empty so he sat down next to us. He smelled pretty good too, for sweating like he was. The horn player (my favorite part) after the second encore wanted to know if all us fifty year olds have curfews. LOL.
When we got home I was just unwinding and Bryan calls.(11:30) Wants to know a IOM song. Huh? How did he know we were at their concert tonight? He didn't. Coincident.
Spent Sunday downloading some of their songs on itunes. "Vehicle" "LA Goodbye" "Hold on to the night" "The search is over". It was a great night!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Me & Billy Joel

Got a call from an old friend.
We used to work real close.
Said they couldn't go on the Courier way.
Quit their jobs, move to Marengo and Bartlett,
Now they're selling ad for the Examiner!

I met up with some old co-worker at the Village Pizza that I hadn't seen in awhile. It was great catching up! Cheryl in the white has two girls now and Jean in the blue has three boys. Am I really getting old that fast? Yikes!
Seemed like old times and the pizza was REALLY good too!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Smoking Stinks

I haven't heard from my step son Brian, in a long time so I called him to come over for some crock pot cooking. He thinks I am the greatest cook of all time so he of course said yes. Mike and him were going to the movies after. They went and saw 10,000 BC. All Mike would say was it wasn't what he thought it was going to be.
Anyway, Brian has been smoke free for 72 days. Yes he quit January 1. Cold Turkey! He says he is finally feeling better and saving $40 a week.
Me - I noticed how great he smelled when he hugged me thanking me for "the great dinner". I told him so too!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

My Mom is 85 today

Mike and I went to visit with Mom this morning. I made her this sweatshirt jacket that she has on. It matches the fleece pants I made her for Christmas.

We visited with Mom and Deanna while Linda is in the kitchen making Mom her favorite "birthday dinner" Ham, scalloped potatoes and cream corn. YUM..
I had said something and Linda and Deanna both laughed and Linda says "You are your Mother's daughter". What a compliment. Whenever anyone asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up I would always say My Mother.
My Mom taught me how to be a great cook and enjoy the time in the kitchen. I love to bake and cook.
My Mom taught me that supper time was a time to sit down with the whole family and be together. You better have a good reason to not be there.
My Mom taught me how to handle money. If you have 3 nickels, save 2 and spend one. If you want something bad - it's worth saving for. (It seemed like forever to save for that tandem bike that Sharen and I wanted)
My Mom taught me that Saturday mornings is cleaning day. She always cleaned wearing a house dress. (Do they even make them anymore).
My Mom taught me to accept life as it comes. You play the cards your dealt and that everything happens for a reason.
Most important My Mom taught me how to love. I love you, Mom!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Every Picture tells a story

So It's Monday afternoon after our Hooter's lunch. Mike and Dave visit the hot tub so I called Cheryl to see if they are back from the casino. She was in the lobby waiting to get lunch. Andy and Craig went looking for a bar that was open. It's hard to find a bar here that is even open. I head down to the restaurant to keep Cheryl company. She orders a salad and he asks me what I want - I told him one of his killer Margaritas He said OK. Score! Cheryl gets a Bloody Mary. We finish those and head into the bar. I have no idea what time it is. Mike wants to leave at 4:15. He walks into the bar and I have a fresh drink. Opps....He gets me a paper cup to go.
Cheryl has on the wrong shirt so I offer one of mine. Back at the room. Mike, Dave and Joanne are sitting in the car waiting for me. I ran back to the room and we are on our way. We get to the convention center and I tell them to go ahead I want to take some pictures. I'm snaping away and after I get into the center and look for Cheryl I realize I lost the shirt. Back track and there it is laying in the middle of the street.

Spending my winnings

So Monday morning Mike and I set out for "Old Town"to get some souvenirs.
I found a great present for Bryan for his new place. Oh yeah! A total Mom thing.

They had the best Christmas shop - I love ornaments. My favorite shop in Myrtle Beach is the christmas shop too. So I had to venture in and buy something. I got a glass ornament shaped like a chile.

Mike of course found the history plaque - so when he was reading this I ran over to this old church.

We had to head back to meet the team for the Hooters Wings ritual. They have hooters on the Monday of every bowling trip. We get to hooters and the only ones reading the menu are me and Joanne. They order their 50pc with 2 orders of curly fires. After the waitress left for the third time I asked the guys her name. Surprise no one knew. She was a cutie named Stephanie.

The reason we went - Bowling

When Mike asked me to be the fifth man on his team, I wasn't so sure, but I didn't bowl bad 474. What they do at these men's tourney is so different from the women ones I go to. You have to have your balls checked! I have never had that before.

We were surrounded by a bunch of really good bowler that were fun to watch.
The team was all happy this was the best they have done in a tourney as a team before and we hope to cash.


Ever since Bryan came back from Las Vegas and talked about pia-gow I have wanted to play. Mike got to play last year. So I had my mind set out to give it a try.
We all piled into the van Sunday afternoon and hit the Sandia Casino.
The 1 pia-gow table was full so I settled down to a 5 cent haywire game. It had a MINI tv in the corner so I could at least watch my Bulls. Mike got a call from Andy there were openings at pia-gow. I got over there after I lost my $10. I watched Andy and Jeremy play for about 20 minutes and Andy gets up. He tells me to sit down. My knees are shaking and my hands are sweating. I have never played at a table with chips. The bet was minimum 15 and the Maximum said 3000 so I asked Andy how hard can it be with a $30.00 limit. After he stopped laughing he whispered "That's three thousand" I almost wet my pants. Picture this - the guy in seat 2 looks like he was born in pia-gow and talked way too fast for anyone to hear him. He liked to "be the bank" and bet really big. Jeremy was in the 3 seat and I was in 4. The lady next to me looked like she slept there and could use a deordorant and her husband was seated 6 and needed some tooth paste. Yuck! The last seat had a couple sharing the seat if ya know what I mean. The dealer was switched out three times. Stephanie, Jackie, and then Eric. Everyone was really nice and I had an awesome time. Of Course I won!!!
Andy placed a bet on me and I won for him too.


It was hot - Ok only 69 but hot to us. Mike called for our shuttle and we made it to the hotel. We stayed at a Best Western.
Charlie and Doug were in room 114. Andy in 214. Dave & Joanne in 337 and Jeremy in 437. Mike and I were in 332 and when Craig & Cheryl came Sunday night they were in 232. Wierd!

Best - The margarita's I told Cheryl I had to take a picture for Michelle - she has a thing for pictures of drinks. The bloody Marys were Cheryl's she was beating me!
Good - The showers was Heaven! The vending machine were always full. The chimechunga at the restaurant Sat. night. We were only a 5 minute walk to "Old Town"
Bad - The service and food at the hotel. The beds sucked (my back took a beating). The bar was only open from 4-10. Mike probably thought this was a good thing. The shuttle service.
We waited for the bus shuttle Sat. night for 25 minutes so Mike and Dave went to the airport Sunday morning and rented a van. While they were at the airport Andy taught me how to play pia-gow poker. The weather! On Sunday it was cold and when we got done bowling there was snow on our car. You had to look , but it was there. the sun was shining though.

Train Ride

I was looking forward to this trip and I was NOT disappointed. If you haven't traveled by train I think everyone should try it once.
Good - Roomy & comfy seats - Empty train car (we lucked out) - Big viewing windows

Good Food - I had the turkey burger and Mike liked his fish.

Andy's new friend.
Our Waitress - Jackie

The lounge car always had seats available. We taught Mike Euchre and he was good at it!!! The views the last few miles. WOW. We made frequent stops.

Bad - The rocking in the middle cars was Crazy. It was funny watching Dave trying to drink hot coffee at dinner. Lucky for us we had the second to the last car. The bathrooms were TINY (smaller than a airplane). The views through Kansas.(Good thing most of that time it was dark out). The beer came in cans. Didn't think to take a pixture of these things.