Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hole - in - One

Most of the time when Mike plays golf I'll ask - "Where are you playing and what time is your tee off?"

When he comes home I will usually ask him what he shot. And that is about all I care to hear about.

When my cell phone rang at 12:28 and I saw it was Mike's cell number my first thought was - How hurt is he and does he need me to come get him?

It was neither it was Mike calling to tell me he got a HOLE-IN-ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For once I wanted to know everything...
What hole? 7
How far? 157
What club did you use? 5 iron
Did you get to see it go in? Roll in? Bounce? Fly in? he actually didn't see it go in.
When they got to the green he was upset he couldn't find his ball. He was sure he was short of the green. His playing partners (Bill Reuter, Pete Reuter and Bob Johnson) finally convinced him to look in the hole and there it was.

I wish I could of been there to experience it with him, but I had something important to do.

I got to spend the day with this little one. He is getting so big and looking more like his daddy everyday.

1 comment:

Mich said...

WOW that is so great for Mike!

Um, is that Roger? He IS getting so big!