Tuesday, March 27, 2012

59 1/2 and 10

Way back when I went from 2 part time jobs to a full time job my boss sat me down and went over the benefits of the job. The company had a 401 that they would match my contribution up to 6%. He explained to me - listen you are going to make more money and right now you are doing without it what will it hurt to put at least 6 % into this 401. You still would be making more money than you are now.
I was taught at a very young age to be a saver. Thank You, Mom and Dad.

 I was in my early thirties and I thought if I could do without 6% I could do without 10, so I put 10% of my salary into my 401. I wasn't making a lot of money, but for 21 years I put 10% of my salary into that 401 thinking that when 59 1/2 came along I would be rich. Of course 59 1/2 seemed way off into the future.
Life does have a way of seeking up on you. I turned 59 1/2 yesterday. No I am not rich, far from it the stock market saw to that, but I like that little nest egg and I thank that sweet boss who had only my best interest at heart..
I did feel like I was older these last few days though.
My grandson Logan will be turning 10 April 3 and he wanted us to make over his bedroom. Stacy was in favor of it also.
We stripped a wallpaper border and patched many many holes in the wall
Logan was right there willing to help, so we gave him the screw driver to take off the outlet plates.
After cutting in the ceiling, walls and the floor it was Logan's job to fill in the orange. The job got really boring for him though and he decided to spend his spring break playing with his friends. It was more that OK with us. It was our present to him any way.

Who needs to spend all the money on fat heads when you have a Grandma who can paint a mural. Logan's friend thought I was awesome.
Hanging the pictures and putting the finishing touches on. Logan supervises Papa.

I think he likes it. Notice the blank white wall.  Stacy broke down and pulled out Logan's supply of Cubs souvenirs.

Finished product. 2 blue walls - 1 orange wall with Bronco gear and 1 white wall with Cubs stuff.

When we finished and I was soaking in our hot tub with a cold beer I couldn't help but smile - this old 59 1/2 year lady can still make over a room.

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