Wednesday, March 21, 2012


My youngest niece is getting married.
Leslie lives in SC now where she migrated when she got a scholarship to Clemson. Her fiance David is graduating from Clemson this May and they are settling down in Charlotte, where David got a good job offer.

Sister Mary (and no she is not a nun, That is just what I call her to distinguish her from my daughter-in-law, Mary) and her husband Dave also make their home in SC.

This weekend they all came up for a wedding shower. Little Dave got to meet some of Leslie's Illinois family and we all got to meet him. Just what this family needs another tall dude!

I am so glad that "sister Mary" got the OK from her doctor to travel. She had open heart surgery just 3 weeks ago and I was so happy to see her. I wanted to give her a big squeeze,but she wouldn't let me. She is still hurting from the surgery so I will wait till we go down to SC for the wedding in May.

Linda blindfolded Leslie and had her dress in her honeymoon attire. Provided by Linda of course.
Even blindfolded and wearing gloves she got everything in it's place including the lipstick.

Her shower gifts are in my basement waiting for a ride to SC. Too bad she has a list of what's there - The towels would so match our bathroom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is my second attempt to do this - love the pictures and your blog thanks I think I will print them. Thanks again for bringing the presents down and yes Leslie is keeping track of everything. Go figure. Mary