Sunday, March 25, 2012

It's a Date!

My grandson loves to read.
Dylan read his first Harry Potter book in 3rd grade and has always been in advanced reading in school.
At Christmas we were talking  (he will actually carry on a adult conversation - no more answering your questions with grunts) and we both realize that we both read and loved the Hunger Games series.

I told him that they were making the first book into a movie and that I would love to see it. He asked if he could go too and we made a date for spring break.

I was very surprised that he would want to go with his Grandma to a teen movie, so I called him and told him that if he had changed his mind and wanted to go with his friends I would be OK with that.
Nope he was going with me and looking forward to it.

This afternoon we headed out to our first movie together - The Hunger Games on the ultra screen.
I thought for sure that it would be very crowded. I even bought our tickets yesterday.

Well we got there in plenty of time and it was not crowded at all.
We both LOVED the movie and made a date to go see the next one in the series when that one comes out. Looking forward to it...

We stopped for an ice cream cone at DQ before heading home to catch Mike just finishing up mowing the lawn. This warm weather sure had been good for the green, green grass, not to mention my Forsythia bush!

Mike lets Dylan start and drive the mower back into the shed.

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