Monday, December 31, 2012

Dylan is a teenager

Saturday December 29 our oldest grandchild turned 13.

He is a sweet, considerate, gentle young man.
He has a quick sense of humor and can make me laugh really hard at times.
He is tall and thin like his Mom, but I can see his Papa Down in him. He kinda sits back and watches things before joining, but he will help with anything when asked. He is the first to make sure that the game is played fairly and wants to win every time.
He has the highest score in Wii Just Dance, and likes to tease me with it. My excuse is I am older and I am sticking with that.

He puts up with having his picture taken with his papa and grandma.

 And even suffers through with kisses from 2 of his Grandmas. He didn't want too, but he did, true Dylan style.
He has lighten up our lives in so many ways.
Happy Birthday Dylan -Love you

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