Thursday, June 5, 2008

Workout for the "Amazing Race"???

So Mike got the rules for the "Amazing Race" that we are participating in this Sat. I decide that I should get a least one workout in before then. :)
I know thinking about getting in shape won't get ya there!!!
I get up from my desk and check out the weather and try to figure out the most physical route for my 15 minute walk. :)
I see "Murray" and "Woodstock" our resident ground hogs across the street come out from the tall grass with their two babies. Cute!! YES - I named them.
Then 2 drunks come walking down the railroad tracks - one stops to take a leak in the same tall grass (Hey Buddy - The grass ain't that tall,I can see you). The other is having a hard time just standing still.
I think I'll just walk up and down the stairs a few times. Besides the team needs someone to blame if we don't win. Don't worry guys I'll have my game face on.

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