Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hair Cut

We all know people who have done this. I have - Bryan has - and for sure her Mother, Stacy has, so when Kaylyn decided that she didn't like her bands falling in her face all the time and barrettes or rubber bands were not part of her wardrobe she did it too.
She found the scissors and cut her own hair.
After a visit to the salon here is the results.
When they came over to the house today I told her about the time her Mother cut her own hair and showed her the picture I took, all the time emphasising that she was still one cutie pa-tu-tie.

Don't you agree?


c_reuter said...

That is why I shave my head. I hate it when hair gets in my face.

Mich said...

I totally did that when I was 5 - my bangs were just all in the way - too bad it was the weekend before school pictures. ooops.