Saturday, August 15, 2009

Julie & Julia

My husband was in dire need of a distraction from his week so I asked him on a date to take me to a movie.
He agreed to go see Julie & Julia with me. We decided on the 4:00 showing so it wouldn't be so crowded. Ha - the laugh was on us. Mike was taken aback by all the old people that were taking advantage of the senior rate of a matinee. There had to over 100 people there - all older than us.

We grab our popcorn and drinks and settle in and saw a GREAT movie.
It was very, very funny and I actually would pay to go see it again. I liked it that much.

We stopped at the Moose for their fish fry, drank a pitcher of beer, visited with friends and got away from life's responsibilities for just a few hours.

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