Saturday, August 22, 2009

More Solheim

I could never understand the male's need to have the TV on.
It seems that if they are home the TV HAS to be on. I have come home to find Mike reading a book with the TV on and most of the time he can follow both. I have been down to the Dupplers with Sharen not home, when Dup is mowing the lawn and the TV is on. Usually it's tuned into sports and he claims that he catches the scores thru the window as he mows on by. Really!

Today I was the one that had the TV on from 8:30am till 8:00pm tuned into just one channel - 218, The Golf Channel.

I never left the house. I did laundry, cleaned the bathrooms, swept the deck, started dinner and did everything that took me out of the family room, during commercials. Other than that I was watching the Solheim Cup golf tournament. In my defense the family room is now spotless.

It was exciting again and with the score tied I can not wait till tomorrow to see the finish.

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