Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Early this morning we were woken up from a sound sleep by a earthquake.
I myself was scared - I hate thunderstorms too. I looked at the clock and it was 3:59. The windows rattled and the bed moved.

Last earthquake I remember was when I was 12 or 13 and listening to my sister's 45's (without her permission so I was very jumpy) and it skipped and then I felt the house jiggle. I looked around to see if someone did it to me on purpose and nope nobody was there.

This morning according to the news it was a mild one 3.8 and there has been no damage. They haven't talked to me cause my heart skipped a beat and my hatred for natural disaster just multiplied.

Mike thought it was awesome.

1 comment:

c_reuter said...

Mike's right. It was cool even though it scared the shit out of me.