Friday, November 9, 2007

Hosting Thanksgiving

Thanskgiving in our family is a big deal. There are three sister (Vicki, Sharen, Me) who rotate hosting the shindig. Mary used to be in the mix but she moved to South Carolina. This year it is at my house. Here is the overwhelming menu. YES! it will ALL get eaten.
Karen - 2 turkeys, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Nebraska Corn
Stacy - Green Bean Casserole, black olives
Mom - Rolls, butter
Vicki - pumpkin cake, 2 pumpkin pies, cool whip
Cheryl - Vege casserole, kid food
Michelle - Broccoli casserole, Cookies
Deanna - Vegetable tray, dips
Sheri - Spinach casserole, green olives
Linda - Jellos
Mary - Good Thought :)
Leslie - A Clemson WIN
Sharen - Rutabaga/Carrots, Sweet Potatoes
Carrie - Peanut Butter Browines, dill pickles
Brian, Bryan, Nate, Jon - bottle wine for dinner
Thats the women's part.
The men of the family turn into boys and play "The Turkey Bowl" That means getting up early to play football - rain or shine. Below is the teams from last year. I just hope the weather is as good this year.
Happy Thanksgiving...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What? I have to bring nothing!?! Sounds good to me!