Monday, November 3, 2008

Reverse Trick or Treat

Friday was a perfect day for the kiddies to get out in their costumes with no coats to hide them. I was really looking forward to seeing some cute costumes. My favorite was the little girl (14 months) dressed as tinkerbell.
I sat on the front porch with my candy in hand. I picked candy that I didn't want to eat myself. Dots & Jr mints for the little kids and tootsie rolls and Charleston chews for the big kids. When Sharen got off of work we decided it was too perfect not to walk around the neighborhood. Dup was sitting on his porch with candy bowl in his lap too. He had PB cups, almond Joy and 3 musketeers. (I would so eat that candy before I could even give it out).
I had about 15 trick or treaters and 1 beer (for an adult the kids called "Auntie")
I had 3 girls about 10-12 yrs old come asking for the NON chocolate candy. I gave them the dots.
When I went to shut off my porch light about 7:15 I found a pile of PB cups, Almond Joys and 3 musketeers on the porch.
I immediately called Sharen and blamed her for dumping her leftovers.
Nope - It wasn't her. Must of been those girls I gave all my non-chocolate candy to. Looks like I will be eating my favorite candy after all.


LaurenK said...

We had Blow-pops, Carmel Apple suckers, Snickers & M&M's. The first things to go... Both kinds of suckers!!! I think kids hate chocolate these days!

Mich said...

I wish that I could open my door and finding piles of chocolate waiting for me - sounds a little bit like heaven!