Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I'd Rather Have a Root Canal

It's very quiet at work right now - Everyone is of to "the Lunch".
After some soul searching and some sound advice from family I decided that I will not be going to the lunch. I would rather have a Root Canal.

Seriously, that is what I'm doing! The Dentist office just called and they have an opening. My tooth is not to the point of a root canal, but I do need a cap put on.
So while they are trying to make small talk and pretending that they all like each other I will be stretched out here.

And let me tell ya Dr. Dave is an old family friend of Mike's and he is a cutey.

1 comment:

c_reuter said...

You made the right choice. I would have told them to "F" off. I hope they choked on that lunch.