Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Back to School

I am headed back to school. One week from today I will be taking a "Digital Darkroom" class at the community college. I haven't been in a classroom (work seminars excluded) in 20 years. To say that I am nervous would not be an exaggeration.
You have to bring a laptop with PhotoShop 7 or Photo Elements 2 or more already loaded.
Thank You, Bryan! He is lending me his old laptop. (Thanks also to Michelle for offering hers.)
Bryan came out and loaded the software and I have been furiously adding some pictures to work with. I can't decide which pictures to "be sure" and have - so I'm on picture overload.
I am horrible with the touch pad and I have nightmares about stopping the class so I can catch up, or worse yet, deleting what I already have done, so I went out and bought a wireless mouse to use. I am sooooo excited to start.
Would it be dorky to go out to the campus and check out where the class is and where to park? If so, you can call me a Dork! I also am having nightmares of showing up to the wrong class or being late.
I will show off my projects as I go.
Wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

Mich said...

I was the same exact way before I started back to school - and I did go scope out where my classes where (just to be sure!). You will do great - I am excited to hear about your progress and projects!