Monday, January 26, 2009

January Blahs

Can this month get over any time soon?
Mike and I caught the first youth basketball game on Saturday down at the Centre. I thought it was Jeremy's and it turns out to be Jackson. Wow - have these boys improved.
#4 scored 12 of the first 14 pts. #7 got a basket - Must of been rare cause he ran down the court with his rt. arm up like the statue of liberty looking to the crowd for someones approval. #1 should have the nickname slappy cause she was slapping that ball away from everyone. And Jack when he wasn't dancing on the bench wanting to get in - he rebounded, scored, and dribble without looking at the ball. The fun part was when he dribbled down the court and hit the half-court line - he took off like he was being chased by a girl that wanted to kiss him.
The best part though was the way these kids listen to their Coach Reuter. Everyone in the stands had something to shout PASS! DRIBBLE! SCREEN! GET BACK! but all heads went up and looked when they heard the Coach. Very Cool to watch.

1 comment:

c_reuter said...

It's Coach Craig not Coach Reuter. I am a players' coach. We go by first name basis.