Friday, January 30, 2009


I bowled three games last night - so what you say? I had a 501 and sadly that is over my average.
That is the first time I got through it since before the holiday break. (Dec.18). I have been very cautious of my shoulder. I can't bowl the way I normally do and it's very frustrating (just ask my teammates).
I visited my chiro this morning and complained that my shoulder was really tight and he suggested "cupping".
I know that Dup had tried this once so I agreed. Renee is the Dr's assistant who is going to school right now to become a chiropractor and has been with me through all my back trouble warned me that it hurts. I won't lie it does hurt at times. It feels like someone is giving you a deep massage, but oh what a feeling when it is over. My shoulder has purple circles all over, but it feels great. I warned them that I may be back each week just for this treatment and of course my acupuncture.

1 comment:

c_reuter said...

I shot 676 and won $55 as your reigning "King of the Hill". I was over average too.