Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lateral meniscus

Mike had to go and get a complex tear in this part of his knee. Now I don't get to go to Orlando for a softball tourney and soak up some sun watching men (some hot, some not so hot) playing softball.

Mike joined the new LA Fitness in So.Elgin right around the corner from us. He wanted to work out with a trainer so when the guy asked him "Let me see what You got!" he jumped on the treadmill and started running. His knee didn't like it too much.

He went to the doc and his MRI showed "sever tricompartmental osteoarthritis with a moderate joint effusion and a complex tear involving the lateral meniscus."

Surgery is not an option right now, his knee is too swollen. He is on drugs right now. He goes back in 3 weeks to assess his progress. In three weeks I should be packing and worrying about how not look to fat or too white in my shorts.
Oh well - he is the one in pain and I can always visit the tanning salon if I want to get tan.

The Doctor did say that he is a prime candidate for knee replacement - no surprise there - His sister had both of her knees replaced and his brother Jack is having one of his done 1/25.

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