Sunday, July 10, 2011

As a kid

As a kid you walk along the creek thinking it will lead you to the ocean
As a grownup, you see it leads no where and turn back around

As a kid you scamper down to wade in the water
As a grownup, you look down and wonder if I go down there how do I get back up the steep bank

As a kid you stack big rocks and sticks to build a dam so the water gets deep to wade in
As a grownup you wonder if that dam the kids built will flood the creek to your doorstep

As a kid you carry your flip flops cause your feet are wet
As a grownup you ask "Why didn't I wear better shoes instead of these stupid flip flops?"

As a kid you chase fire flies to check out the small flashlights that you know they Must carry
As a grownup you swat at the mosquitoes and hope that crawly thing on your back isn't a tick

As a kid you want to sit on the pier and dangle your feet in the water
As a grownup you see the green slime over the water and think "EEW"

As a kid you squat down to investigate the footprints in the mud
As a grownup you look down at the footprint and hope the animal is long gone

As a kid you carry a big stick because You are the next Daniel Boone
As a grownup you carry that big stick to beat off any animals that might pop out of the bushes

As a kid you follow the path hoping it leads to somewhere exciting
As a grownup you take the path that's the shortest

As a kid you think the matted down grass and dirt that you stumbled upon is where the space ship landed
As a grownup your realize Holy Crap, that's probably where the coyotes live

As a kid you race back to the house "last one there is a rotten egg"
As a grownup you walk really fast thinking is that all I got

As a kid you sit in the grass and eat a 2 stick popcicle that drips down your arms and down your shirt thinking That was crazy fun!
As a grownup you sit  in the air conditioning with a chilled glass of wine and think that was crazy

So next time Sharen, if you want to go out on another adventure Call me - Cause even if we are all grownup now - that was still crazy fun!

1 comment:

Sharen said...

Yes it was. Who would have thunk a walk along the creek could bring
back so many wonderful memories of growing up by Lords Park.