Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mary's Shower

I had my family over to shower Mary.
Breakfast was served at 10:00am and present were opened.
I pulled out one of Bryan's old favorite stuffed animals.
Here is ALF dressed in one of Bryan's t-shirts. Hard to imagine he was ever that small.
Bryan came with and was going to go through the boxes of his "childhood treasures" that we have stored in the basement and take what he still wanted. Now that they have room.
Bryan has always been a saver - still is - so we have lots of boxes of treasures.
Just like in the past Andy came with and they ended up going through Bryan's "Garbage pail Kids" card collection and reminiscing. He has them All. Every single one ever printed. In Plastic. In binders. STILL in our basement.

I asked everyone to bring a book to start baby Flory's library.
Yes, I was the one who bought (for Bryan) "Go the F* to Sleep." We had to assure Mary's mother that it would not get read to the baby. It was just a joke and the book is really, really funny.
You can tell by Mary's smile.

Is it a boy or a girl?
Will it have Bryan's eyes or Mary's mouth?
Will it be fair skinned like Mary or dark like it's father?
How big will it be?
Will it have any hair? what color?
All of that is fun to guess and talk about, but the only thing that really matters is, is that it's strong and healthy and things go good at delivery.

In just a few weeks I will get to meet my new grandchild and I am thrilled.

Thanks Michelle for taking the pictures.


Unknown said...

It was the wrestling magazines and GI Joes that distracted us!

Zierk Fam said...

I think a big, strong baby girl with her daddy's blue eyes and her mommy's fair skin. But boy or girl...please oh please let (he/she) have Grandma's sense of humor. That book was hilarious!!!