Monday, July 25, 2011

More Roger

He came home today.
I know the first days when the baby comes home can be consuming. I know that Mary's parents are there for help. I knew that I had to do something - plus I needed to see that my son was OK.
So I do what I know how to do best and that is cook.

I threw together a couple of dinners and took them into the city. Oh, and I got to take a few more pictures of you know who.

A picture for my Mother who didn't believe me about all Roger's hair.

Here is Bryan telling Roger all about what they are going to watch on TV tonight. Monday Night Raw. I'm sure that Roger realizes how excited his Daddy is about wrestling and agreed to give it a try. Really, that is what Bryan is telling him.


c_reuter said...

Both my boys were born on Saturday and brought home on a Monday. Guess what we did their first night home? That's right- watched Monday Night Raw. Bryan is off to a good start.

Zierk Fam said...

Do you think Roger would let Kendell and Kallie borrow some of that hair?! They are very jealous.

Mich said...

Yay for more Roger!