Thursday, July 28, 2011

Are you sisters?

Sharen and I dressed alike when we were little. All our clothes were matching and we loved it.
Nobody had to ask us if we were twins, the proof was in the pudding.

As we got older (jr high - which is now called middle school) we were asked to not dress the same to not confuse the teachers so we would wear the same clothes only in different colors.

In high school we had our own ideas of what looked good and we rarely dressed the same, though we did find some things that we would share.
At this point the easiest way to tell us apart was simple - I always had long hair and Sharen would wear hers short. Sharen - short.

We are twins. We look the same -there is no mistake about it.

Now as adults when we are out and about together we get asked if we are sisters, and the response from both of us, usually at the same time, is "twins".

Do we still look alike? Do we still look like twins?
I still can see Sharen when I walk by a window or mirror and catch my reflection then I realize No that's me.
But is that what other people see?

Apparently the answer is Yes - we still do look alike.
How do I know?  Facebook said so!
When Bryan posted a picture of me and Roger on his facebook page he was asked if that was Sharen?

1 comment:

Mich said...

Look alike. Walk alike. Talk alike. Yep, you are definitely still twins!