Friday, May 30, 2008

In the News

So I'm talking with Sharen like I normally do when either one of us is bored with work and she mentions that Billy is coming home. Billy is a South Elgin Firefighter married to a Reuter - yes one that is related to my sister Vicki and her family. He has been in Iraq for the last 10 months.
"Yeah they are having the fire truck pick him up at the oasis and then the motorcycles "Patriot Guard" are meeting them at the Tyler Creek forest preserve right off the tollway at 31."
"Did anyone call the paper?" That's the newspaper blood in me talking!
"No I don't think so."
"I'll call you right back,"
I get on the phone call the newsroom and tell them what is going on.
Here are the results.

It looks so much better on the front page of the paper!!

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