Friday, June 5, 2009

Karen to the Rescue

Since I have been home during the week I have noticed that Ray our neighbor is a "non-stopper". he's 72 yrs young.
He is on his tractor by 7:30am always doing something in the yard. Either that or he is off with the tractor on the trailer going to mow something.
Yesterday he thought it was a good day to cut down a tree, so he cut down a smaller "weed tree" as he called it. That sucker was not small. NON stop!!!

I happen to look out our family room window and see him laying on the ground. OMG I jumped up and search for the phone. I see the cell phone, but know after calling 911 once on that thing, you never get through, so I keep looking for the landline phone. I take another look out the window to see if he is moving and start to really panic.
Mind you this all happens in about 15 seconds. I find the phone run out of the house, going over in my head the steps in CPR, screaming his name and the old coot turns and looks up and smiles.
He was cleaning the bottom of his push mower and didn't want to tip it up cause he had just filled it with gas. I told him I was going to call 911 because I was going to kill him. He thought I needed them more.

He said I was white as a ghost and laughed and said it was nice that he had a neighbor that cared. His wife, Lu, also stopped and thanked me for caring. She also told me not to try and keep up with him - she gave up 30 years ago. I think I'm going to take Lu's advise and just leave him alone unless CPR is needed.

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