Monday, April 18, 2011

Whole Foods

Or as Bryan calls it Whole Paycheck.

Anyway I am a big, no make that HUGE fan of cooking challenges shows. Top Chef, Top Chef Masters, Next food Network Star, Next Iron Chef - ALL of them (even Cupcake Wars and Chopped, though they don't do any shopping in their shows).

They all seem to head to a Whole Foods to get their ingredients. The stores on TV look big and fresh. I wanted to go to one.

Then I saw an article in this weeks Good Housekeeping about a pasta without any calories. Are you Kidding me? - I love pasta and I wanted to try it out. The only place that sold it was online or at a Whole Foods.

I knew there were some stores in the city, so before we headed in to go to an open house that Bryan and Mary were interested in, I got on the computer to find the nearest Whole Foods store near us.
Schaumburg - sweet! Right on our way.

So I rip the article out of the magazine and we head on out. I couldn't decide which I was more excited to see the house or the grocery store.

I don't know if all the whole foods are like this one but, OMG, I wanted to spend the whole day there. I really could have - they even have a bar to sit and have a glass of beer or wine. Next time I will go during a weekday though because it was very crowded and the aisles were very small.

I had to ask for help in finding the noodles. I showed the helpful girl my article and she laughed and told me they cannot keep them in stock. I took the last one on the shelf.

Checking out the boy asks me if they were any good, because he sees a lot of them. I told him I haven't tried them yet, but maybe it's because of the article in Good Housekeeping.

I haven't eaten them yet, but I will let you know how they taste.

Or maybe if I like them I will keep it to myself - More for me!

Oh Yeah, I liked the house too.

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